Monday, July 29, 2013

Uruguay Immersion-July 29, 2013

Today, we were woken at 8 AM, ate breakfast, got dressed, and began our day painting at San Adolfo Fe y Alegría school. To begin the morning, Brandon Briones, Ben Gebrat, and I painted one of the roofs, while others began painting window bars. After being here in El Dorado for several days now, I have gained a sense of pride to be able to help the Fe y Alegría community. My goal is to prove to the children and this community that they should have hope. I feel that this Bellarmine Brotherhood is doing just that. This has been such a rewarding experience, as I have experienced nothing like it. 

After painting for about an hour, the kids gathered in front of Jonathan, the elementary school teacher and youth group coordinator, where he engaged the children in a Spanish version of Simon Says. My favorite moment of the day was seeing the kids energy and smiles during the game.

After the conclusion of lunch, while others continued to paint the bars, Kenan Matthews, Salvador Gutierrez, and I painted the entire roof of the school classrooms in just about 1.5 hours.

As we continued to paint, Bill Lewis and Pedro Sanchez were invited to join some children in a game of Monopoly. As I was talking to Pedro about his experience playing with them, he shared that one of the kids kept on cheating and trying to sneak money, which I found humorous. As the kids were unsure on how to play, Bill and Pedro still had a great time bonding and connecting with the kids.

This experience here in Uruguay has been the best experience I have ever had. With only one night and a day left in El Dorado, I feel as though I will be emotional, as I will miss the children, the people we have met along the way such as Fernando, Beti, Beto, Johnathan, and many others.

 As I am working to improve my Spanish, I love communicating with the kids. Towards the end of the day, Bill, Mr. Henry, and I began talking to a girl, Katalina. We asked her what classes she enjoyed the most. Humorously, she seemed to enjoy every subject except for art, as she loved to paint but not to draw. This reminds me that some members of the group will be helping some children paint a mural on a wall. I look forward to seeing what they will create. I hope to continue to form connections with my Bellarmine Brothers as well as the kids here at San Adolfo Fe y Alegria School in our last couple days here in El Dorado.

-Brandon Machado 

1 comment:

  1. You are all doing amazing things in South America. Can't wait to hear more stories from your journey. Tell Brandon B that his family says hello.
